I’m a self-professed pen and pencil snob. I strongly prefer extremely fine tips (~0.4 mm) and high quality, all-metal construction. In the mechanical pencil realm, there are some commercial offerings that have appeased me for the time being (namely, the Rotring 600). Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a pen equivalent to these. While there are a number of cartridges in the 0.4 mm size range that work quite well, most come encased in plastic bodies and none of the metal-bodied ones are suitable. Fortunately for me, making a all-metal pen body is within my reach.
Personally, I do not like having caps on my pens (too easy to lose, two hand operation, etc.) and as such want a retractable pen. That said, traditional “clicky” pens annoy me with their noise. The only way I could think of making a quiet retractable pen (that could still be worked with one hand) was with a “bolt action” mechanism. Turns out that this design has been up and coming with the Kickstarter crowd and several versions have been made previously. For example, the TiBolt, The Bolt, and the maxmadco retractable pen.
However, all of these are rather expensive (>$50) and might not be work well with the cartridges I prefer. As well, I am not a fan of certain characteristics of each: the TiBolt’s finish looks too rough and the pen itself seems a little bulky (see thiscomparison of it to the maxmadco); the Bolt’s mechanism seems like it would be finicky/not very satisfying; the bolt on the maxmadco looks a little tacky given that it’s just a screw.
Given those concerns, I think it would be preferable to design my own pen. Of the three, I like the maxmadco one the best (I’d probably buy it and replace the bolt with something similar to the TiBolt if it cost about a third of what it did).
All components must be manufacturable using HMC facilities
After looking at existing pens, I came up with a list of major design decisions to be made:
I currently prefer the first of each set. The reasons for this are as follows:
In summary, I’m thinking of a pen with the following component breakdown:
As I move on to the detailed design stage, these decisions may be changed.
Before starting this project, I knew that I wanted a pen nib smaller than 0.5 mm. Anything 0.5 mm or larger is too large (especially when you are trying to put subscripts on subscripts). However, I didn’t know how much smaller I wanted to go or which refill worked best for me. To that end, I went to the Internet for advice. The majority of pen users (especially pen fanatics) prefer larger nibs (usually because they write smoother). There were a few pen forums (The Pen Addict, Gourmet Pens, and No Pen Intended) which advocated pens with smaller nibs, but they were not as definitive as I would have liked. So off to JetPensI went.
I started off by looking for every pen with a nib smaller than 0.5 mm and readily available refills, focusing exclusively on black (non-erasable) ink. The first round of pens I got were:
Unfortunately, the Ohto and Jetstream turned out to be too scratchy for my taste. In addition, ink cartridges in pens with caps (the Signo and Slicci) generally cannot be placed inside a pen with a bolt action mechanism. The reason for this is two-fold. First, a pen with this style mechanism requires a spring, and these cartridges have nowhere to rest such a spring. Secondly, when actuating the mechanism, the tip has to be pushed further out than its final location, which requires a long, slim leading section, which these cartridges also lack.
With this in mind, I made another trip to JetPens and came up with one more order:
When testing the new batch of pens, the Hi-Tec-C blew everything else away. It was just so smooth and precise. The only problem with it is that its refill is tiny. And I mean really tiny! The below image shows it below a standard G-2 style cartridge.
Sarasa cartridge (top) vs. Hi-Tec-C Slim Knock cartridge (bottom)
It turns out that there are three other (potentially suitable) refills available for capped versions of the Hi-Tec-C.
The first is the generic Hi-Tec-C cartridge. As you can see below, it has an incompatible tip design.
Profile of the generic Hi-Tec-C cartridge [CW&T]
The second is a multi-pen cartridge. This one has an incompatible body style. Moreover, there doesn’t appear to be any more ink in one of these cartridges as compared to the Slim Knock cartridge (and these cartridges cost almost three times as much!).
Multi-pen style [JetPen]
The third style is for the high-end version of the Hi-Tec-C, the Cavalier. Unlike the others, this appears to have a compatible tip and body design. The below image compares the Cavalier refill to the Zebra Sarasa refill, which I know I can work with.
Zebra Sarasa refill top; Cavalier refill bottom. [Pen Addict]
Cue JetPens order #3!
As for the other pens, the Pilot Juice turned out to be a duplicate of the G2, the Signo was scratchy, and the Sarasas not quite as smooth and precise as the G2.
The third batch of pens turned out to be a disappointment. The Cavalier catridges turned out to be too messy and inconsistent - they tend to get ink balls and be slow to start after a day or two of no use. While they were phenomenal when they worked, they just can’t match the consistency of the G2.
So in the end, the G2 0.38 wins.
There are two main concerns regarding screws for the clip. The first is functionality (i.e. it needs to keep the clip attached to the pen and not strip out the threads in the pen body). The second is appearance. We ended up selecting these screws for the reasons explained below.
When I began this project, I didn’t have much intuition for how many threads were required to hold parts together. So I figured I’d do some research and figure out what’s what. Checkout the write-up of my findings. The gist of that page is that, for low-load applications, you need to use five full threads to develop full strength.
Given that the body wall is ~0.075” thick, that would require the use of a #1 screw. That’s tiny! The smallest size screw I could reasonably use (without worrying overmuch about breaking taps, etc.) would be a 4-40. But with that size screw, I would only be able to fit three threads. According to my research, that would still retain approximately 80% of full strength, which would seem more than enough, but to be sure I calculated that maximum force that could be applied to the bolt before the threads in the pen body would begin to deform:
In other words, a pair of 4-40 screws should be able to take almost my full body-weight before starting to deform the threads they are in. That seems more than sufficient to me.
Note that I can still use the metric model in the above analysis because the UTS thread profile matches that of the ISO metric thread screw [1]. There may be some errors, but they should be negligible. The aluminum maximum yield strength used above was obtained here.
From an aesthetics standpoint, only button and flat head screws were acceptable. Further, anything other than torx or hex heads would look tacky.
Of the above choices, a countersunk Torx screw was chosen. Countersunk because it tends to look better if you do it right; Torx because that’s what I found in the size I needed.
Generating CAD from preliminary design
Bolt Carriage
Changes from preliminary design once experimentation began
Miscellaneous Notes:
Interior Operations
Exterior Operations
Finishing Operations
Interior Operations
Finishing Operations
Doing the 4th axis work before the internal work probably would have cut down on the number of burrs. Might also have resulted in problems with chip removal though.
Knurling works best when the decimal component of the value given by TxDp/Dr is within 0.15 of 0. Note that T is the number of teeth on the roller, Dp is the diameter of the part, and Dr is the diameter of the roller.
If we had access to a CNC machine that could knurl, we would have done the knurling operation before adding the taper to the tip. This is because the first 1/4” of knurls are usually not very pretty, so changing the order of operations would allow us to cut that part off.
Deburring the threaded hole on the carriages was time-consuming (particularly for the aluminum). This could have been alleviated by adding a dip in the profile of the carriage. Doing so would recess the threaded hole and obviate this problem.
If we were to make more pens in the future, we would probably make the clips using a forming process as doing so would greatly reduce the time per part.
G-2 Inserts
The grey-tipped G-2 inserts have slightly larger geometry than the blue-tipped ones. We were able to accommodate this by filing down the OD of the tip of the grey-tipped inserts.
For some reason, we had difficulties drilling the tip hole in the center of the part.
Material Choice
Brass is much more difficult to machine than aluminum, but looks much nicer as a carriage. In addition, the brass tended to flake off instead of producing large chips which meant it was much simpler to deburr.